Trainer Qualifications
Max Delegates:
Course duration:
6 weeks online & 3 days face to face
Course Information
Training in the adult sector has evolved tremendously over the last number of years due to the industry becoming more advanced and complex. It was therefore in the early 2010s where it was decided that a new range of qualifications needed to be introduced in order to replicate this. These new qualifications were nicknamed ‘TAQA’ – Training, Assessing and Quality Assurance. For training specifically, the old PTLLS and CTLLS awards were consequently replaced by the new AET and CET qualifications.
AT PMTandA, we offer 2 of the new training qualifications. These are as follows:
Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET)
This award provides a foundation for anyone who would like to teach in the adult education and skills industry. It focuses on the different learning styles, learner needs, training methods and aids, in addition to delivering and evaluating training.
Suitable For
This qualification is suitable for anyone wanting to start a career in training in the adult-sector. There are no pre-requisites for this qualification and therefore it is great for individuals with no prior knowledge or experience in training.
Course structure
The course will be delivered in two parts. The first part is a 6 week online learning programme with regular video calls between the cohort of learners and their trainer. This will then be followed with the second part which will be a 3 day face to face course.
The course will cover over both parts:
- The Purpose of Training & Education
- The Learners
- The Learning Environment
- The Learning Cycle – Planning, Delivering, Assessment & Evaluation of Learning
- Record Keeping
- Outside Influences
Our course is interactive and the participants on the course are expected to actively participate in discussion and activities whilst on the course.
You will be assessed by delivering a micro teach (20 mins) session to your cohort and assessor, which will take place on the final face to face day. You will have a further professional discussion with your assessor about what you have learnt and and you will produce together a portfolio of evidence of your learning via our e-portfolio system QualsDirect.
Info Sheet
For further information, please read more using our info sheet.
Click to open the info sheet in a new tab.
Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET)
This award is focused on expanding the knowledge and skills of individuals who have already obtained their Level 3 AET qualification. Candidates will have underpinning knowledge training sessions to complete in addition to demonstrating at least 30 hours of training.
Suitable For
This qualification is suitable for anyone who has some teaching/training experience and is already working in a training environment.
Register your interest
Do you want to expand your professional competency and become a trainer? Please contact us now to register your interest with us.
If you are unsure of which qualification is best applicable to you, then please do either call us on 01874 620 704, or email us via TAQA@pmtanda.co.uk, and a member of our TAQA department will be able to provide you with some guidance on what would be best for you.