IRSE Licensing
Photo taken by Christopher Draper
Need an IRSE Licence? We can help.
The IRSE’s Licensing Scheme exists to provide a recognised means of assessing the competence of railway signalling and telecom personnel. It is recognised in the UK and many other countries around the world.
PM Training and Assessing can provide assessments for all IRSE licences in these categories (click to see descriptions):
Signalling Design
1.1.160 Signalling Design Verifier
Responsible for ensuring the design details produced for a new signalling system or an alteration to existing signalling system are in accordance with the scope of works and comply with current specified standards and guideline.
1.1.500 Signalling Design Assistant
Able to produce, ready for independent check, elements of simple signalling designs which form part of the overall output from the Licensed Designer from whom you take your lead for systems and equipment for which you have authority to work on from your employer.
1.1.510 Signalling Designer
Responsible for producing, integrated non-principles design details for relevant parts of a new or altered signalling system (or layout) for which you have authority to work on from your employer, confirming that it meets the requirements given in the scope of works and that the operational, technical and safety principles have been met.
1.1.550 Signalling Principles Designer
Normally will have previously held a designer licence, however where this is not the case, then sufficient experience in signalling design must be demonstrated through work experience records etc. You will be responsible for producing integrated design details and supporting documentation using first principles for relevant parts of a new or altered signalling system for which you have authority to work on from your employer, confirming that it meets the requirements given in the scope of works and that the operational, technical and safety principles have been met. You will either be modifying established design constructs or developing new ones for the particular application.
Signalling Installation
1.2.150 Signalling Installation Supervisor
Responsible for organising and controlling work activities of a number of teams through direct or delegated actions. You are responsible for assuring the overall safety and quality of work, including working to agreed processes and procedures and final handover to others.
1.2.105 Point Fitter
Capable of installing and maintaining at least one, (two if one is mechanical), of the following types of points: mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic, and associated equipment. Evidence that has been collected solely during work on mechanical points is insufficient to meet the requirements of this competence standard. You will have an understanding of basic electrical integrity checks to confirm the function and set-up of the installed detection components. This competence standard does not assess competencies relating to the running and termination of cables.
1.2.505 Point Technician
Capable of installing, maintaining and fault finding at least one, (two if one is mechanical), of the following types of points:- mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic, and associated equipment . Evidence that has been collected solely during work on mechanical points is insufficient to meet the requirements of this competence standard. You will also be capable of performing basic electrical integrity checks to confirm the function and set-up of the installed detection components. This competence standard does not assess competencies relating to the running and termination of cables.
1.2.515 Locking Technician
Capable of installing, maintaining and fault finding Signal Locking Frames and / or associated Electrical Equipment.
- 1.2.515M A locking technician holding the 1.2.515M (Mechanical) category will be capable of making, installing, maintaining and fault finding Mechanical Locking in accordance with approved designs and specifications.
- 1.2.515E A locking fitter holding the 1.2.515E (Electrical) category will be capable of installing, maintaining and fault finding Electrical Locking Equipment, such as circuit controllers and lever locks, in accordance with approved designs and specifications.
- 1.2.515E&M A locking fitter holding the full 1.2.515E & M Locking Technician category will be competent in both the 1.2.515M (Mechanical) and the 1.2.515E (Electrical) sub-categories.
1.2.200 Assistant Signalling Installer
Capable of installing and wiring signalling equipment, under the direct supervision of a licensed signalling installer.
1.2.210 Signalling Installation Operative
Capable of installing and wiring signalling equipment in accordance with the issued design, using measuring equipment, and carrying out installation integrity checks, such as wire counts and continuity checks.
1.2.220 Signalling Installation Technician
Capable of understanding and interpreting installation documentation/diagrams. You will work independently to prioritise tasks and make decisions. The holder of this licence can lead a team of typically up to 3 additional staff without the need to additionally hold the Team Leader (1.8.100) licence. You must have an extensive knowledge of the equipment you work on and how they interface with other systems and equipment on the operational railway.
1.8.100 Signalling Team Leader
Capable of organising and controlling work activities of a team or teams; ensuring that sufficient resources are available and contributing to technical leadership on engineering activities. You will also be responsible for the work of the team and the handover to others. Note Applicants for the award of a licence in this category must hold or have previously held a licence covering the activity of the team they are leading. Where they no longer renew or revalidate the pre-requisite licence, they must demonstrate how they keep up to date and maintain sufficient technical competence to effectively lead the team and respond to technical queries about the activity.
Signalling Maintenance
1.4.100 Assistant Signalling Maintainer
Capable of maintaining and adjusting signalling or control systems equipment under the direction of a licensed maintainer. The types of equipment to be maintained may include points, train control, power supplies, train detection and level crossing systems. (Train control equipment may include signal or some other method of authorising train movements, train detection may include track circuits or axle counters).
1.4.110 Signalling Maintainer
Capable of:
- Maintaining signalling systems and equipment
- Replacement and configuration of components
- Undertaking testing of signalling equipment following like for like component replacements
1.4.120 Signalling Faultfinder
Capable of:
- Locating and diagnosing faults in signalling systems and equipment
- Replacement and configuration of components
- Undertaking testing of signalling equipment following like for like component replacements
This licence covers staff who work primarily on infrastructure-based signalling systems and equipment including:
- train control (train control may include signals or some other method of authorising train movements)
- train detection (eg, track circuits, axle counters, loops, transponders, balises)
- power supplies
- points
- level crossing systems
1.4.160 Signalling Maintenance Tester
Capable of undertaking testing of signalling equipment following like-for-like component replacements. This licence covers staff who work primarily on infrastructure-based signalling systems and equipment including:
- train control (train control may include signals or some other method of authorising train movements)
- train detection (eg, track circuits, axle counters, loops, transponders, balises)
- power supplies
- points
- level crossing systems
1.4.230 Signalling Maintainer & Faultfinder
Capable of:
- Maintaining signalling systems and equipment
- Locating and diagnosing faults in signalling systems and equipment
- Replacement and configuration of components
- Undertaking testing of signalling equipment following like for like component replacements
This licence covers staff who work primarily on infrastructure-based signalling systems and equipment including:
- train control (train control may include signals or some other method of authorising train movements)
- train detection (eg, track circuits, axle counters, loops, transponders, balises)
- power supplies
- points
- level crossing systems
Signalling Testing
1.3.150 Signalling Test Assistant
Responsible for assisting under direction the testing of signalling components and equipment in accordance with the test specifications and plans.
1.3.155X Signalling Verification Tester (operational railway)
Responsible for undertaking tests on signalling components and equipment in accordance with the test specifications and plans (typically in preparation for Functional Testing) in the operational railway environment. The Verification Tester is given the test plan for the work to be completed, rather than being required to develop it. Any person in possession of a valid 1.3.155X licence is deemed competent in the non-operational environment and therefore is not required to hold the 1.3.155Y licence.
1.3.155Y Factory Signalling Verification Tester
Responsible for undertaking tests on signalling components and equipment in accordance with the test specifications and plans (typically in preparation for Functional Testing) in a non-operational railway environment. The Verification Tester is given the test plan for the work to be completed, rather than being required to develop it. Any person in possession of a 1.3.155Y category wishing to undertake verification testing in the Operational Environment must hold a valid 1.3.155X licence.
1.3.170 Signalling Functional Tester
Responsible for undertaking the testing and inspection activities of signalling systems and equipment to provide suitable and sufficient evidence to confirm that they comply with the design specification, meet the requirements appropriate to the application and are fit for handover.
1.3.180 Signalling Principles Tester
Responsible for undertaking testing activities, independent of design, and provide suitable and sufficient evidence to confirm that the operational, technical, and safety principles demanded by the designated authorities have been validated. This includes ensuring the integration of testing across technical boundaries.
1.3.190 Signalling Tester In Charge
Responsible for defining and controlling the testing activities; ensuring that suitable and sufficient evidence is gathered to confirm that the system meets the requirements appropriate to the application, and is fit for entry into service. They will be capable of identifying the testing requirements and developing a test plan which is sufficiently robust to ensure that the system meets the requirements. Also be capable of modifying the test plan as required in a controlled manner and dealing with situations that may arise which result in restricted use of the system. Applicants for the award of a licence in this category must hold or have previously held a Signalling Functional Tester licence (1.3.170), Signalling Electronic Systems Tester (1.3.260) or Principles Tester licence (1.3.180) which has not been revoked.
1.3.260 Signalling Electronic Tester
Responsible for ensuring the conformity of high integrity electronic signalling systems to the authorised design, also to be capable of confirming the equipment is fit for operational use. A high integrity signalling electronic system is defined as a hardware or software based system used for the control of and interface to the operational railway. Examples of testing electronic systems are:
- train describers
- automatic train operation
- remote control
- hot axle box detectors
- axle counters
- electronic interlocking
- signalling control
- automatic train protection
- overrun detection management
Reference should be made to the organisation certificate of competence for specific details. The testing and commissioning of signalling control systems requires a detailed knowledge of signalling principles and practices and is to be undertaken by applicants holding the relevant signalling testing licence.
Telecoms Design
2.1.105 Assistant Telecoms Designer
Capable of designing or modifying telecommunications systems under the direction of a licensed designer. You should be capable of gathering the available information on a design project and check its completeness and relevance.
2.1.115 Telecoms Designer
Capable of designing telecommunications systems to the client’s requirements, using current and approved technology. Your designs should comply with current standards and regulations. You will be responsible for designing within an overall budget and meeting the agreed timescales in accordance with quality standards.
Telecoms Installation
2.2.110 Telecoms Installer
Capable of installing and wiring telecoms equipment, using measuring equipment, and carrying out installation integrity checks, such as wire counts and continuity checks. A clear distinction must be made between functional testing and your own integrity checks.
Telecoms Maintenance
2.4.105 Basic Telecoms Maintainer
Capable of undertaking activities against a given maintenance schedule on operational railway telecoms systems. You will also be accountable for the following:
- Recording all relevant data
- Ensuring all work is undertaken in a timely manner
- All work is carried out to a safe standard
You will know the limits of your own authority and the actions to be taken on discovering a failure of, or a deficiency in, a telecoms asset, will seek guidance as and where necessary.
2.4.106 Basic Telecoms Maintainer and Fault Finder
Capable of undertaking activities against a given maintenance schedule on operational railway telecoms systems. You will also be accountable for the following:
- Recording all relevant data
- Ensuring all work is undertaken in a timely manner
- All work is carried out to a safe standard
You will know the limits of your own authority and the actions to be taken on discovering a failure of, or a deficiency in, a telecoms asset, will seek guidance as and where necessary. Where the defect is within your area of responsibility, you will be capable of locating and diagnosing failures, carrying out integrity checks and returning the system to service.
2.4.115 Telecoms Maintainer and Faultfinder
Capable of:
- maintaining operational railway telecoms systems and equipment
- locating and diagnosing failures in operational railway telecoms systems and equipment
- rectifying defects
- carrying out integrity checks and testing
- returning system to service
You will typically work in one or more of the following areas of telecommunications systems and equipment: transmission systems including radio, bearer systems, SCADA, operational telephone switches and systems, CCTV and information systems on or about the railway.
2.4.120 Telecoms Fault Finder
Capable of:
- locating and diagnosing failures in operational railway telecoms systems and equipment
- rectifying defects
- carrying out integrity checks and testing
- returning system to service
2.4.125 Telecoms Maintainer
Capable of:
- maintaining operational railway telecoms systems and equipment
- rectifying defects
- carrying out integrity checks and testing
- returning system to service
You will typically work in one or more of the following areas of telecommunications systems and equipment: Transmission systems including radio, Bearer systems, SCADA, Operational telephone switches and systems, CCTV and information systems on or about the railway.
2.4.160 Telecoms Maintenance Tester and Failure Investigator
Capable of undertaking the testing activities on alterations to previously working and commissioned operational telecoms systems where the equipment has been replaced on a like-for-like or operationally equivalent basis. You will also follow a systematic process when undertaking investigations into reported safety related telecoms failures Whilst undertaking testing/investigation activities you:
- Identify testing requirements
- Identify and report where systems and equipment are not to specifications
- Provide suitable and sufficient evidence to confirm that renewed or replaced telecoms equipment is fit for entry into service.
Telecoms Team Management
2.8.140 Telecoms Team Manager
Capable of organising and controlling work activities of a team or teams; ensuring that sufficient resources are available and contributing to technical leadership on engineering activities within your level of authority. Note: Applicants for the award of this licence will normally hold, or have previously held, a licence covering the activity of the team they are leading. In circumstances where a telecoms licence was not previously held, then you must provide evidence of your experience and qualifications in the telecoms activity of the team with an up to date CV. Where you have not renewed / re-validated the pre-requisite licence, or have not previously held a licence, you must demonstrate how you keep up to date and maintain sufficient technical competence to effectively lead the team and respond to technical queries about the activity.
Telecoms Testing
2.3.160 Telecoms Tester
Capable of following a prepared test and commissioning plan, carrying out defined tests, ensuring that test results are within specification and carrying out functional tests before bringing new or altered telecoms equipment into service. The Telecoms Tester will need to verify that the test and commissioning plan is appropriate for the equipment being tested. Any deviations from the plan would be escalated in accordance with organisational procedures. The licence is intended for staff carrying out minor works installations, or staff working as part of a testing team under the supervision of a tester in charge.
2.3.265 Telecoms System Tester
Capable of preparing test and commissioning plans for approval, co-ordinating a test team, carrying out tests, ensuring that test results are within specification and that functional tests are carried out before bringing new or altered telecoms systems into service. The Systems Tester will need to ensure that the test and commissioning plan is appropriate for the system being tested and may adapt the plan to the meet the specific circumstances, identifying any restrictions that need to be imposed on the system prior to bringing into service. The licence is intended for staff involved in schemes or minor works, including anyone performing the role of tester in charge.
Engineering Management
7.8.110 Engineering Manager – Studies
The scope of the engineering studies licence covers activities where investigative and development work is undertaken to change, enhance or update signals or telecoms systems or processes, including:
- identifying opportunities
- producing specifications
- developing new projects
In undertaking or managing engineering studies, you will be responsible for:
- ensuring that the objectives, scope and parameters are clearly understood, defined and agreed
- undertaking the work in a structured manner, collecting and analysing information, generating and evaluating options, and producing conclusions and recommendations
- presenting the results in the required format and to the agreed timescales
7.8.330 Senior Engineering Manager – Strategic
Responsible for evaluating and improving the performance of your organisation’s signal or telecoms engineering systems and processes. This involves developing measures and criteria to evaluate the performance, analysing the information, carrying out evaluations, finding the reasons for success and failure and proposing and implementing improvement plans. The range of engineering processes could include design, manufacturing, operations, installation, testing, maintenance, engineering support functions, performance measurement or business improvement.
7.8.110B Engineering Manager – Installation
Responsible for managing the day to day installation activities of signalling or telecoms systems through your direct actions or through delegated actions to achieve compliance, ensuring that:
- The installation requirements are interpreted correctly
- Resources are identified, procured and effectively utilised
- Installation specifications and plans are prepared and provided to installation staff
- Achievement of the plan and installation standards are monitored to ensure the quality of the installation
- The installation is completed and handed over for testing in accordance with applicable standards
- Operational, technical, and safety principles have been met
- Opportunities for improvements are identified and implemented
- Any incidents / engineering problems are thoroughly investigated and action to prevent recurrence is taken
- Effective solutions are identified and implemented for problems that arise
7.8.230B Senior Engineering Manager (Installation)
Responsible for leading your organisation’s strategy and policy for signalling and/or telecoms installation activities within your area of responsibility. You will:
- Develop appropriate solutions to engineering problems, using new or existing technologies, through innovation, creativity and change
- Lead the activities for which you have overall responsibility, interpreting and implementing either or both S & T policy
- Manage interfaces with other departments, disciplines and activities, both internal and external
- Lead the activities of your department, ensuring that the safety of the operational railway is taken into account in all aspects of your area of responsibility
- Ensure that installation specifications and plans are prepared and resources are effectively utilised
- Monitor the achievement of the plan and compliance with installation standards to ensure the quality of the installation
- Be responsible for completing the installation and handing it over for testing in accordance with applicable standards
- Investigate incidents or engineering problems and take action to prevent recurrence.
7.8.110F Engineering Manager – Projects Engineering
Responsible for managing the activities of signalling or telecoms projects through your direct actions or through delegated actions to achieve compliance, ensuring:
- The projects comply with the scope of works, the clients’ requirements and your organisation procedures
- Operational, technical, and safety principles are met
- The effective use of signalling or telecoms engineering resources
- The progress of projects is effectively monitored
- Opportunities for improvement are identified and implemented
7.8.230F Senior Engineering Manager (Projects Engineering)
Responsible for leading the overall management of all engineering activities applicable to signalling and telecoms engineering projects. You will:
- develop solutions to engineering problems, using new or existing technologies, through innovation, creativity and change
- be accountable for the effective use of signalling or telecoms engineering resources in projects
- monitor engineering activities regarding competence, safety and the environment
- identify and mitigate risks to the project and ensure overall compliance within design, testing and construction
- be accountable for managing interfaces with other systems, technologies and disciplines
- be accountable for, handover, test and commission, and post commissioning activities
7.8.110A Engineering Manager – Maintenance
Responsible for Interpreting and implementing your organisation’s policy for the maintenance of Signalling and/or Telecoms assets. This includes:
- Managing the activities of your department to ensure that the safety of the operational railway is taken into account in all aspects of your area of responsibility
- Providing advice and information on aspects of S and/or T engineering within your job role
- Solving engineering problems through application of current and developing technology
- Responsible for managing the maintenance activities of S and/or T equipment and systems through your direct actions or through delegated actions to achieve compliance
- ensuring that Maintenance specifications and plans are prepared and resources are effectively utilised
- Achievement of the plan and maintenance standards are monitored
- Incidents are thoroughly investigated and action taken to prevent recurrence
7.8.110C Engineering Manager – Testing and Commissioning
Responsible for managing the activities of signalling and/or telecoms testing and commissioning to achieve compliance to standards and customer requirements, through your direct actions or through delegated actions, ensuring:
- The development of the plan for the overall test and commissioning of the systems being tested
- Test results are verified before bringing the system into service and agreeing any operating restrictions that may be required
- Specified completion criteria are met prior to handing the system over for operational use
- Operational, technical, and safety principles are complied with throughout the testing and commissioning
- The effective use of S or T engineering resources and that the testing is carried out by competent staff
- A post-commissioning review is conducted, with opportunities for improvement identified
- Formal handover for operational use is conducted
- Provide advice on decisions affecting the testing and commissioning of S or T systems, and also identify any problems and how they can be resolved
7.8.110E Engineering Manager – Design
Responsible for managing the day to day design activities of signalling or telecoms systems through your direct actions or through delegated actions to achieve compliance, ensuring:
- The designs comply with the scope of works, the clients’ requirements and your organisation procedures
- Operational, technical, and safety principles are met
- Design specifications and plans are prepared
- The designs are monitored and verified
- Opportunities for improvement are identified and implemented
- Responsible for day to day engineering management within design project
- Responsible for the effective use of signalling or telecoms engineering resources in design projects
- Advise the senior signalling or telecoms engineer on decisions affecting signalling or telecoms designs
- Identify signalling or telecoms design problems, mitigate risk and advise on resolution
Signalling and Telecoms Factory Installation
6.2.210 Signalling or Telecoms Installation Operative
Working only on equipment that is not yet part of the operational railway, either in a factory/workshop environment or site installation that is separate from (but potentially adjacent to) operational railway equipment.
Power Supply and Distribution
4.2.110 Electrical Traction Distribution Technician
Capable of installing, maintaining, fault finding, and cable jointing on low voltage (LV) traction power distribution systems and associated circuits. You will also be capable of setting up a safe system of work in both the electrical and railway environments, and directing the work of assistants. This licence category covers low voltage depot overhead and 3 and 4 rail systems. It does not cover high voltage systems.
Technical Investigation
6.4.230 Technical Investigator
Capable of in-depth technical investigation of signalling or telecoms systems and equipment to:
- Identify relevant information regarding failures and incidents
- Establish equipment and system condition and performance
A detailed technical knowledge of equipment and systems relating to the area of responsibility is required. Evidence may be accepted for carrying out an investigation that was not in response to a failure.
6.4.235 Lead Technical Investigator
Capable of in-depth technical investigation of signalling or telecoms systems and equipment to:
- Identify relevant information regarding failures and incidents
- Establish equipment and system condition and performance
- Give advice and make recommendation on suitability of equipment and systems and identify appropriate remedial actions
A detailed technical knowledge of equipment and systems relating to the area of responsibility is required. Evidence may be accepted for carrying out an investigation that was not in response to a failure.
Reasons our candidates choose us
Assessors across the UK and beyond
Our pool of IRSE assessors spans the entirety of the UK and globally, including India and Australia.
Tailored help and support
We provide guidance and examples to help you with your application and assessment.
15 years of successful licensing
Our assessing agency has been running since 2009, with a collective 30+ years of experience within our team.
Digital Assessing
All paperwork is processed digitally and our assessments can be carried out remotely where applicable.
Quality assured
All our assessors have been approved by our team’s rigorous approval process, and all assessments undergo internal quality checks, ensuring high standards.
Trusted by the best
We are the biggest independent IRSE assessing agency, processing and facilitating hundreds of assessments each year. Our high standard of assessments is well known and respected throughout the industry.
We work in a slightly different way to most Assessing Agencies in that most of our assessors are contracted to use for individual assessments. This means that we have access to a wide variety of assessors across the UK and can be flexible in our approach to assessments.
Get advice and guidance on IRSE Licensing
We know the IRSE Licensing process through and through. To help you understand what is required for you to achieve your licence, we have put together a dedicated page answering some frequently asked questions about the IRSE Licensing process. We encourage you to check it out if you need some answers or if you are confused about any aspect of the assessment process, including help on how to fill in your personal statements on the Competence Assessment Checklist (CAC).
Working with companies

PM Training and Assessing acts as the Assessing Agency for companies who don’t wish to have their own assessing agency, but have their own assessors and want an agency to process their assessments. If your company requires our services please contact us.
Training IRSE Assessors

All IRSE assessors must hold a national qualification in assessing. They must also be experienced and/or qualified in the areas they are assessing. We can provide such training to assessors, and help you to become one of our IRSE assessors.
IRSE Assessment Process
For a new licence category the assessment process has 3 stages:
Stage 1 – Candidate Statement
The candidate writes a personal reflective statement on the checklist for each performance criteria giving examples what they do to meet each of the criteria. They also make a list of evidence from the work they have done that demonstrates it was them doing the work. This could be documents, pictures or witness statements. The candidate must make sure that their IRSE log book is up to date and has been reviewed in the last 12 months. Assessments will be arranged only after this process is complete.
Stage 2 – Workplace Assessment
A workplace assessor will look through the candidate’s statements and evidence. The assessor will observe the candidate if it is a category that requires observation e.g. installation, testing and maintenance.
Stage 3 – Competence Assessment
A competence assessor will look through the personal statement and workplace assessor comments. They will have a verbal discussion with the candidate to confirm that the candidate is at the desired level. If both assessors agree that the candidate is competent, then the paperwork is checked and the application sent to the IRSE.

Surveillance and Renewal
5 year Point – Surveillance
If you are at the 5 year point then after the date on your licence there will be an ‘S’. At this point you do not need to have a workplace assessment, as long as you have an up to date log book and are still doing work for the category you are applying for.
You are able to redo your licence at any time but if you go past the end date on your licence then the next 5 years will be added to the date your licence ran out, not the date of your assessment.
10 year Point – Renewal
If you are at the 10 year point then after the date on your licence there will be an ‘R’. At this point you do not need to have a workplace assessment, as long as you have an up to date log book and are still doing work for the category you are applying for. You also need to have your assessment completed within 6 months of your licence running out. At this point if there is observation required in the category you are applying for you will need to be observed.
If you do not renew your licence within the 6 months then you need to have a full new assessment.
IRSE Licensing Website
The IRSE website has been designed to give licence holders and the general public an overview of how the Licensing Scheme works. It also provides guidance and support to those who are working towards their licence, and briefing notes for licence holders and others on changes to the Scheme.